You look like you need a beach day. is the #1 travel discovery platform for beach destinations in the Caribbean, Mexico and Florida.

Our mission is simple. We want to turn everyday humans into laid-back beach bums, even if only for a few days at a time. When you’re planning your next beach vacation, look no further than for honest beach reviews, travel ideas and daily articles from in-destination explorers.

It’s our mission to help you find the perfect beach destination for your next trip, and then give you the tools to make planning and booking a breeze.


Saving Our Oceans One Beach Cleanup at a Time

When we first slipped into bikinis and swim trunks to cover the world’s best beach destinations in 2017, we quickly realized there’s a huge problem with tourism today, especially impacting our oceans and beaches. While we encourage travel to tropical destinations, we’re also very aware of the negative impact tourism has on our natural resources, and so we set out on one of our greatest and most difficult missions yet.

Being the ocean lovers that we are (you’ll find us free diving or marking turtle nests along our shores on any given day), we muscled up and took on the ocean pollution problem head first. We started connecting with communities in the destinations on our site, and found passionate friends who also wanted to protect and preserve their beaches. With the help of proactive local communities and leaders, we launched our Beach Cleanup program to raise awareness of ocean conservation and plastic pollution on a local level.

Now, it’s our goal to physically make a difference on the sands of every destination featured on, so that future generations can enjoy endless beach days too. world oceans day beach cleanup event

Courtesy of Rich Schineller